Travels With Dick and Judy

Follow us in our trials, triumphs and tribulations, while on the road in our motor home "The Liberty Belle". We chose to forsake the conventional lifestyle in our 3,000+ square-foot home to move into a 40-foot Winnebago Ultimate Freedom. Travel with us as we take you on the road with us in our new lifestyle.
I may grow older, but I'll never grow up!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

More from the Rocky Mountains!

Again, I cannot believe it has been so long since my last posting.  I always have the best intentions, but seem to have so many things to do.  Honestly, we used to wonder how Mom had SO much paperwork to do, and now I know - and don't laugh, Jim T. and Betti!!  I'll begin updating the last month or so by adding a picture taken the first week of July of one of my favorite things to see - a rainbow - which was our view when returning to Mary's Lake Campground late one afternoon after one of our usual showers, with our RV and campsite in the foreground.

Surprisingly (to me), our most popular campground program this summer has been on snakes, which was presented on July 14th!  I could not believe how many very young and older children sat on the front row, listened intently, and actually handled the snakes.  Here are only a few of the great shots taken by Dick - since I was as far away as possible on the golf cart.


As y'all know, I love our opportunity to view wildlife.  On July 20th, we saw the 2 fawns with their momma for the first time on the private property behind our campground, and they have since been seen all over our campground.  A beautiful sight!

Finally, on Tuesday, July 24th, Michelle and Logan arrived in Colorado for a week-long visit!  On the trip from Aurora to Estes Park, we made a couple stops along the Big Thompson River, and Logan got his first sample of Colorado cider.

As we entered Estes Park, Michelle and Logan were welcomed by the first of many elk and a great picture moment - until, after a few days, Michelle said she had enough pictures!

We picked up Carolina barbeque from our favorite eating place in Estes Park - Smokin' Dave's - since the line was SO long; and, after dinner, Dick was given an early birthday present - a book to learn to play the guitar, together with a DVD.  He is having a great time making cigar box guitars - and has already had offers to buy them - so learning to play guitar is the next step!

Michelle told me that Logan would like to start making items from leather - after talking with someone at the farmer's market.  So, before heading out the next morning, Dick gave Logan a shoe box full of leather items, including original Tandy instructions, tools and an unfinished wallet.  Logan was happy to get these items that are over 50 years old, and we'll be waiting to see what he makes.

We headed out to the Moraine Park Visitor Center in RMNP to tour the museum and visit the gift shop, and then boarded a free shuttle bus to Bear Lake.  Due to road construction, no vehicles can travel this route between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily, so the shuttle is the way to go.  We all had our water packs and were ready to hike around Bear Lake (.5 mile).  It was a beautiful day with lots of pictures, and it has been very hard to select a few (or maybe more) for posting.

After the easy hike around Bear Lake, we hiked up to Alberta Falls (.9 mile) and back down (.3 mile) to board the shuttle at the Glacier Basin shuttle stop to return to our vehicle.

We had a short rainfall and pulled out the rainsuits!


Again, we were treated to the sight of more elk as we headed back to the campground!

Upon returning to the campground, Logan had fun climbing on the rocks - for a great end to a great day!

I have much more to write and pictures to post - and this was only the first day of Michelle and Logan's visit - but this is a good stopping point for tonight.  To be continued!

Thanks for traveling with us!!  ~judy~


  1. Bear Lake was one we didn't get to while there...its on the list for a longer stop one day! Can you believe how fast this summer went?? We head out on the 12th of September. Its been grand!

  2. Lots of really great pics of your kiddos.. .doesn't get any better than that!

