Travels With Dick and Judy

Follow us in our trials, triumphs and tribulations, while on the road in our motor home "The Liberty Belle". We chose to forsake the conventional lifestyle in our 3,000+ square-foot home to move into a 40-foot Winnebago Ultimate Freedom. Travel with us as we take you on the road with us in our new lifestyle.
I may grow older, but I'll never grow up!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Last evening, Richard and Barbara (our neighbors) and Judy and I got together to try out Denton’s Catfish Caye, a new restaurant that opened last week a couple hundred yards down the highway from us.  The portions were ample, as you can see, and the catfish pretty good. Their hush-puppies I will rate as superior to 95% of all the restaurants I have eaten at, but still far below the deliciousness of those of our dear friend, Linda Whidden, who is no longer with us. Judy, however, being the shrimp aficionado she is, rated their fried shrimp to be just so-so.   Their prices were really good and the location convenient, so we’ll probably be returning soon. 
Barbara, Richard and Dick - Judy was there, as evidenced
 by the ever-present phone, but taking the picture.
While we were there, the weather started building to the west of us and, then, started sprinkling about 10:30.  By 1:30 a.m. this morning, it was raining so hard that I was forced to turn Hulu off because I couldn’t hear the TV for the noise of the rain on our roof - a really welcome sound for these parts.  It’s 10:40 a.m. now and still coming down.  The ground is wet, but still soaking it up as fast as it comes down.  We’re so dry that it will take rainfall like this every week for the next several months to begin to restore the balance.  The rain is supposed to continue into this evening, so it looks like this will be a day spent indoors.  ~Dick~

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